Set 3

Greenie-Boy (rare)

Size: Up to 200 pounds
Color: Green legs with yellow, orange, or brown wool and pale faces
Diet: Grasses
Sounds: “Meh” raising in pitch to express fear and lower for contentedness
Lifespan: 8-12 years

Greenie-Boys (their name also includes females) graze in small herds that gallop at top speeds when threatened. Though their wool is prized, they have not done well in captivity.

Toothy Alphonse (rare)

Size: Up to 12' long
Color: Color darkens over lifespan; different bloodlines identifiable by their unique colors
Diet: Carnivore
Sounds: Guttural clicks and grunts, screeches

Toothy Alphonses are greatly feared. Little is known about their language or habits except that they live in groups (“nests”) in complex trenches and ridges scratched into the mountains over centuries.

Punky Brush-Hog (common)

Size: 9-12" long
Color: Dark spines and golden bodies
Diet: Roots, leaves, berries, & other plants
Sounds: Squeaks and chirps
Lifespan: 4-6 years

Residents of Harid Hills proudly consider Punky Brush-Hogs loveable regional nuisances. Recently, Punkies have been spreading to Gie Coast where they have not been welcome.

Glardin (common)

Habitat: Great Terio River
Size: Up to 20” long and 30” tall
Color: Greens to yellows, females are paler shades
Diet: Insects and plants
Sounds: Deep resonant “qua” that carries far across the water, often heard early mornings
Lifespan: 5-8 years

Glardins live contentedly near humans. They are regarded fondly for their brilliant plumage and given treats, such as Karkaway nuts.

Carbalier (rare)

Size: 4' tall, 4' wide and up to 1,000 lbs
Color: Purple and black
Diet: Grasses and riverbed plants
Sounds: Loud terrifying bellow
Lifespan: 20-30 years

Carbalier's aggressive territorial behavior and their low reproduction rates has kept the population down. They are belligerent and unpredictable and best avoided.

Pinnie (common)

Size: Up to 2' tall
Color: Red-violet, infants are pale pink
Diet: Insects and grasses
Sounds: "kak-kak-kee-ee"
Lifespan: Up to 15 years

Pinnies are flightless birds that can be found throughout the Overgrowth. They are quite comfortable around humans and are used to being tossed treats. Their colorful feathers are often collected and used in local crafts.

Elvitz Turtle (common)

Size: Up to 18" tall
Color: Green bodies with multicolored shells
Diet: Insects and plants
Sounds: Hisses when upset
Lifespan: Up to 40 years

Elvitz turtles are common around the lakes and ponds of the Overgrowth. Though they make look docile, they can have a ferocious bite and when threatened will secrete a mildly poisonous protective covering on their shells.

Mignelienne (rare)

Size: Up to 24" tall
Color: Mottled blues and violets
Diet: Birds and eggs
Sounds: High pitched yip and growls
Lifespan: Up to 10 years

Mignelienne are felines that live in trees, nimbly leaping through the branches and rarely touching the ground. They are stealthy predators that are more often heard than seen.

Foagley (rare)

Size: Up to 2' long
Color: Purples and blues
Diet: Small birds and rodents
Sounds: "aaawm" "wom" and growls when angered
Lifespan: Up to 15 years

Foagleys have mostly been domesticated in the Skytar mountains and kept as pets or mousers. Wild Foagleys can still be found at higher elevations where they make their homes in small rocky caves.

Agrockrip (rare)

Habitat: Ixari Desert
Size: Up to 6" long
Color: Oranges, yellows, blacks, and browns
Diet: Insects
Sounds: Low-pitched croak
Lifespan: Up to 5 years

Agrockrips are nocturnal. Though not often seen, their croaks are heard echoing through the desert at night. At certain points in the year, they gather at a large unusually shaped rock in the middle of the desert. No one knows why.

Gorky (common)

Size: Up to 4' long
Color: Blue/gold; females are more golden
Diet: Mostly fish and other water creatures
Sounds: Grunts and tail slaps
Lifespan: Up to 20 years

Gorkies will assist travelers crossing the swamp—so long as the travelers follow closely and don't linger. Some theorize that they do so to protect a secret hiding deep in the swamp.

Giant Rock Salamander (rare)

Size: 18-24" long
Color: Females are blues, males are reds, and young are gray; their colors darken as they age, ending up fully black
Diet: Insects, lichen, fungi
Sounds: Hisses and chirps
Lifespan: 11-12 years

Giant Rock Salamanders are poisonous to the touch thus are mostly left alone, though their poison is used by nefarious humans.

Long-Horn Mixio (rare)

Habitat: Walkia Flats
Size: Up to 8' tall
Color: Body colors range from green to black, but all have golden faces and purple horns
Diet: Grasses
Sounds: Deep bellow
Lifespan: Up to 50 years

Despite their large size, Mixio are swift and elusive. They have been hunted for sport, and their horns are prized trophies. The Carbolians worship Mixio and defend them ferociously.

Dracoli (rare)

Habitat: Western Isles
Size: Up to 2' tall
Color: Males are purple and females red-violet
Diet: Almost anything
Sounds: Complex language or chirps and growls
Lifespan: Up to 70 years

Dracoli live in the most uninhabited isles and are distrustful of humans. They are creative and industrious makers designing unusual vessels and structures. Though they live on islands, they do not swim.

Golden-Winged Dragonfly (common)

Habitat: Lower slopes of the Xilocent Mountains and Xilo Valley
Size: 5-6 inches tall
Color: Blues and violets, more rarely emerald green
Diet: Flower nectar, predominantly from the Expelio flower
Sounds: Complex high-pitched language heard as a sing-song hum
Lifespan: 3-5 years

Golden-Wings are surprisingly ferocious when approached and are known to furiously swarm at their enemies.

Giraffiti (rare)

Habitat: Xilocent Mountains
Size: 8-10 feet tall
Color: Mottled browns, yellows, and greens
Diet: Leaves and bark
Sounds: "eh-ah" and "ee-oh" calls and gruff "eh" sounds when threatened
Lifespan: 15-20 years

Giraffiti's are shy and rarely seen. They roam in small family groups and are skilled at hiding and making themselves scarce. In Xilo folk tales, they are benevolent land spirits.

Zies Blue Duck (common)

Size: 12" long, 24" tall
Diet: Water plants and insects
Sounds: "Weee-wu" and "wee-wu-wu-ah"
Lifespan: 10-12 years

Zies Blue Ducks build distinctive nests along the shores of the Zies Sea. They use the same nests for their entire lives, adding to them each year. These nests can become veritable mountains of twigs, moss, mud, and found treasures.

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