
Nonnie Pleck

Nonnie lives on the outskirts of Sun City where he raises peacocks and uses their feathers in his art. The peacock eggs sell better than the artwork but he is undeterred. Although he customarily avoids the temples, he recently learned about the All-Seeing God. The All-Seeing doesn't have much of a presence in Sun City, but Nonnie learned about the God from a devotee who praised Nonnie's art and proclaimed the eye-like pattern of the feathers made the pieces perfect talismans for fellow followers.

Staria and Gem

Staria lives in Sun City in the Xilocent Mountains where she works as a potter. She found Gem at the end of winter, half-starved and frozen. She took the little bird into her studio and cared for it. When the warm weather returned, instead of flying away, Gem built a nest in the rafters of Staria’s studio. Each spring a new batch of birds hatch into the world while Staria works way beneath them. She is inspired by their lightness and fragility and tries to translate these qualities into her pottery.


Meet Finora of Sun City in the Xilocent Mountains. Finora doesn't know it but she is the heart of Sun City. Her exuberant care for her neighbors has kept many from despair in this isolated community. Although the Xilocent Mountains are breathtakingly beautiful, visitors are rare. The townspeople must rely on one another, and many rely on Finora for her warmth and welcome.

Golden-Winged Dragonfly (common)

Habitat: Lower slopes of the Xilocent Mountains and Xilo Valley
Size: 5-6 inches tall
Color: Blues and violets, more rarely emerald green
Diet: Flower nectar, predominantly from the Expelio flower
Sounds: Complex high-pitched language heard as a sing-song hum
Lifespan: 3-5 years

Golden-Wings are surprisingly ferocious when approached and are known to furiously swarm at their enemies.

Giraffiti (rare)

Habitat: Xilocent Mountains
Size: 8-10 feet tall
Color: Mottled browns, yellows, and greens
Diet: Leaves and bark
Sounds: "eh-ah" and "ee-oh" calls and gruff "eh" sounds when threatened
Lifespan: 15-20 years

Giraffiti's are shy and rarely seen. They roam in small family groups and are skilled at hiding and making themselves scarce. In Xilo folk tales, they are benevolent land spirits.


Habitat: Xilo valley and lower slopes of the Xilocent mountains
Size: 6–8" tall
Colors: from pale yellow to deep orange
Ecology: This delicate flower blooms in wide swaths after morning rains. It has no known uses and dies quickly if picked or transplanted, but for those lucky enough to see it in bloom, it is an uplifting sight.

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