
Olive and Garval

Olive lives in Walkia Bluffs with her lizard, Garval. Olive acquired Garval from a traveling wizard in exchange for lodging. The wizard had assured her that Garval was magical, but that was ten years ago, and if it was true she hasn't seen any sign of it. But she doesn't mind. Garval is a good companion, in his own way. Plus, she's sure that she's the only person in Walkia with a lizard like Garval. His uniqueness has inspired her to collect curiosities from all over Jinivar.

Tampara Otlipico

Tampara of Walkia Bluffs is a student of Chivani the sea witch, a vocation that requires great patience as Chivani rarely shows herself and instead communicates through omens and cryptic messages. Tampara has studied the tides and the patterns of rock and shell so carefully that she sees more quickly than most when a message has been sent. She is not the only one of Chivani's students, though she is currently the most promising. The other students regard Tampara with great respect and wonder.

Bert Vano

Bert and his beloved hound Lizzie live in the no-man's land on the border of Walkia and the Masconian Empire. Although there is a road that passes nearby, connecting Masconia to Walkia Flats, it is not well traveled as the two regions are somewhat hostile to each other. Although their location sounds desolate, Bert and Lizzie aren't alone out here. A small community has grown in the ruins, mostly refugees from Masconia seeking space and freedom over the relative comforts of the city.


Meet Quillan of the Walkia Bluffs region. Quillan knows things that others don't. She sees things that others miss. She used to share her insights freely, but too many times she came to regret the outcomes and now keeps to herself.

Itta's House

The renowned poet Itta once wrote about her home in Walkia Bluffs: “I have built my house on the hill. I have built my house on the mountain. I have built my house deep beneath the earth. When the rains come the windows shine and when the sun comes my heart fills with delight.” Actually, her house is built on the plains, not far from the coastline.

Giant Rock Salamander (rare)

Size: 18-24" long
Color: Females are blues, males are reds, and young are gray; their colors darken as they age, ending up fully black
Diet: Insects, lichen, fungi
Sounds: Hisses and chirps
Lifespan: 11-12 years

Giant Rock Salamanders are poisonous to the touch thus are mostly left alone, though their poison is used by nefarious humans.

Long-Horn Mixio (rare)

Habitat: Walkia Flats
Size: Up to 8' tall
Color: Body colors range from green to black, but all have golden faces and purple horns
Diet: Grasses
Sounds: Deep bellow
Lifespan: Up to 50 years

Despite their large size, Mixio are swift and elusive. They have been hunted for sport, and their horns are prized trophies. The Carbolians worship Mixio and defend them ferociously.


Habitat: Plackadill Mountains
Size: up to 18" tall
Uses: Depending on when it is collected and how much sun the plant has gotten, pinchweed can be used for both medicinal and nefarious purposes. The plant is familiar to those in the Plackadill mountains, but is virtually unknown elsewhere.
Ecology: Pinchweed is at the base of the food chain and feeds a diverse group of creatures, from insects to furry mountain aspinas.

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