Rayline Jungle

Star-Ann Driminiski

Star-Ann loves two things: tales of intrigue and writing in code. She likes to watch for smugglers at the busy Ovello port where her father works. While she waits, she develops secret codes. Her favorite codes are pure numbers. She hides notes written in code on ships leaving the port and dreams of someone finding one, decoding it, and writing back. So far, this hasn't happened. Her parents dislike her hobby and have sent her to work as a seamstress, but even as she sews she dreams up new codes.

Farla and Almost

Farla named her bird Almost after all the near misses in her life, the first being that she was almost born on the raft that carried her mother downriver to Omelle. And then there was the time that she'd come face to face with an angry jungle cat that had almost carried her away. Farla collects all these moments in her diary, even the more far-fetched ones, like the time the neighbor boy almost fell in love with her, or the time she almost had the idea for the best novel of all time.

Grace-Linn Fox

Grace-Linn moved to Tamvari, deep in the Rayline Jungle, after a dream in which a monkey spoke to her and told her that her destiny awaited her. She loved the jungle right away but has had a difficult time getting used to the local customs. Instead of trying to settle in, she prefers to pack a day bag and trek out on her own, writing her observations, sketching what she sees, and turning her notes into poetry. She’s lonely but sure that she will be able to make a place for herself here.

Mignelienne (rare)

Size: Up to 24" tall
Color: Mottled blues and violets
Diet: Birds and eggs
Sounds: High pitched yip and growls
Lifespan: Up to 10 years

Mignelienne are felines that live in trees, nimbly leaping through the branches and rarely touching the ground. They are stealthy predators that are more often heard than seen.


Size: 5–7" tall
Uses: The leaves are used as sweeteners and are featured in a popular local candy called Birnies.
Noted: Birninios are the symbol used for Alphinsa, the Goddess of Mornings (and all things fresh and new), especially beloved in Rayline. Legend has it that the flowers grow along the paths that the Goddess takes through the jungle and that her goodness is what gives the leaves their sweetness.

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