Gie Coast

Trevor Skaites

Trevor moved to Chor Village to get away from the hustle and bustle of Girfalo, but Chor isn't quite what he expected. Its beauty and proximity to Girfalo make it a prime vacation spot for city dwellers. To align himself with the locals rather than the tourists, Trevor has taken a job with the village work crew, keeping the roads clear and trash removed and attending no end of meetings. Though folks complain about the meetings, Trevor loves being in the thick of things and being a part of even the pettiest decision-making.

Bentla and Bonnie

Bentla keeps a packed calendar hosting elaborate dinners, committee meetings, and out-of-town visitors. Though some think that she takes on airs, since her husband is the mayor of Belltower Bay, those that know her recognize that she is kind, generous, and devoted to her community. Her regal companion, Bonnie, follows at her heels and does her own job of greeting visitors and ensuring that all is in order.

Bobby Elsburg

When Bobby of Unree Town, Gie Coast, celebrated his tenth birthday, the entire village celebrated with him. For as long as he could remember, Bobby had heard that he would not survive long, having been born with devastating ailments. But to everyone’s shock, by age ten, he was cured. Rumors circulated about the nature of his cure, but the only one who might know what happened is Bobby, and if he knows, he won’t say. The villagers don’t pry though, they are just glad for this sweet, good-natured boy.


Meet Alvis of Girfalo. Alvis is a dreamer who sees visions in the clouds. He spends his days sailing in the sea of Omphar and at night he retires to his humble bungalow, alone, and tired, but at peace.


Meet Tanshia of Saplo Pont. Tanshia is a fashion photographer but she dreams of being a famous model. She always gets jealous of the people she photographs. She acts friendly but deep down she knows how she really feels. (NP)


Meet Vispera of Kaycon Town. Vispera planned to move in with her beloved aunt in Overgrowth River, but then, during an evening walk on the beach, she saw a mermaid with eyes as dark as the ocean and scales of shimmery violet. Vispera yearns to see the mermaid again and is now not sure if she still wants to leave. (NP)


Meet Willa of Belltower Bay. Willa has a secret. Willa can talk to birds. Not any birds, specifically the Gwakies that live along the Chormalk Cliffs. Gwakies are more communicative than ordinary birds, but still, no one ever believes her, and honestly the Gwakies rarely have anything interesting to say. Still, Willa prefers their company to most anyone else.

Titus Towers

The Titus Towers stand proudly on the riverbank, the tallest structures in Bridgetown. From the windows, you can see the town’s claim to fame—the enormous bridge that spans the rushing river. One of the residents in the north tower is Parin L’Fengo. Parin’s apartment doesn’t face the river, it looks out towards the mountains that were once Parin’s home. He mostly enjoys the view and the bittersweet memories it evokes, but other days he has to close the blinds.

Girfalo's Tallest Towers

Vicromia and her husband Nico were one of the first to sign up to live in Grifalo’s new and shockingly tall ten-story apartments. Many of their family and friends warned them against it, insisting that it couldn’t be safe, but they laughed off these worries. Now that they’ve settled in, Vicromia loves to boast of their view and the elegance of living up high, though privately she bemoans the misery of so many stairs

Art by Naomi Peterson

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