
Henwick and Grisse

Henwick came to Flentorio to research the Toothy Alphonse, but after multiple injuries in the hazardous terrain and one near-death experience with an actual Toothy Alphonse, his zeal for the research faded. Instead, he married a local woman, adopted a cat named Grisse, and settled down to write up his adventures in a book called, "Sometimes It's Better Not to Find What You're Looking For."

Toothy Alphonse (rare)

Size: Up to 12' long
Color: Color darkens over lifespan; different bloodlines identifiable by their unique colors
Diet: Carnivore
Sounds: Guttural clicks and grunts, screeches

Toothy Alphonses are greatly feared. Little is known about their language or habits except that they live in groups (“nests”) in complex trenches and ridges scratched into the mountains over centuries.


Size: flowering bush; about 2' tall and 3' wide
Uses: Ground popper seeds make a powerfully hot spice that is sought out by adventurous eaters. It is also collected by those who believe it may be a key ingredient to flame breath.
Noted: Popper seeds can fetch high prices, but the locals show no interest in collecting them, partially because their habitat crosses into Toothy Alphonse territory.

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