

Ralchies are wild dogs that are most often found in Branoli but have also been spotted in the Brittle Lands and the Skytar Mountains. Their distinctive howls can be heard for long distances and cause Greenie-Boys great distress. Ralshies live in small packs spread over large territories, which makes their noisy howls a critical way for them to find each other. Occasionally a Ralshie pup is caught and tamed, but they are predominately wild creatures.

Danton and Frizz

Trizz is a skunk, and Danton insists that skunks aren't pets—but Trizz answers to her name and always comes out when Danton is near. Danton isn't afraid that she'll spray him anymore, especially not after she proudly brought him each of her babies to admire, after they were born. The babies, on the other hand, are not to be trusted, as they are often mischievous. Since Danton's neighbors in Branoli Town don't appreciate Trizz, he doesn't talk about her to anyone.

Delia, Helen, and Esme

Delia, Helen, and Esme are triplets from Branoli Town. Delia speaks of nothing but the wonders of Cerapion City and her plans to go be part of the "city of the future." Helen dreams of setting out to sea and finding an uncharted island—she already has the name picked out: Pomono Island. And Esme sketches the tall mountains to the south, eager to see their forests and lakes. But the triplets can't imagine being separated. So as they share their dreams with each other, they wonder how they can make it all work.


Meet Gwynn of Branoli Town. Despite teasing from friends and derision from her siblings, Gwynn has been training to bicycle down the coast to Belltower Bay and then on to each of the cities of Gie Coast. To stay motivated she pins postcards to her wall of all the places she will see on her trip some day.

Home of Granny Daviso

This humble home in Tinli has been in the Daviso family for generations, and each generation has added their own touches. Granny Daviso lives there now. She's the last of the Davisos. Her life has been a quiet one, spent mostly alone, but she has grown close to her neighbor's youngest daughter, Matilde, and it is to her that she will leave her home, starting a new chapter in the house's history.

Greenie-Boy (rare)

Size: Up to 200 pounds
Color: Green legs with yellow, orange, or brown wool and pale faces
Diet: Grasses
Sounds: “Meh” raising in pitch to express fear and lower for contentedness
Lifespan: 8-12 years

Greenie-Boys (their name also includes females) graze in small herds that gallop at top speeds when threatened. Though their wool is prized, they have not done well in captivity.


Habitat: Unragie Point
Size: 24–36" tall; flowers can reach up to 10" wide
Noted: There are few reasons to visit the windswept peninsula of Unragie Point, but when the conditions are right, the bluettes bloom in force, converting the spindly strip of land into an ocean of tall sea-blue flowers. Though a glorious sight, the flowers emit a noxious odor that keeps all but the most determined away, and if that were not enough, they also attract dreaded singing beetles.

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